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PranksAnnoyingannoyingpcb the prank device that wont stop beeping
AnnoyingPCB - The Prank Device That Won’t Stop Beeping
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AnnoyingPCB - The Prank Device That Won’t Stop Beeping

headshot of Franklin the Robot
Franklin’s Analysis of All User Reviews:
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> Cherished by some, still a hidden treasure

PersistentBeepPrankDevice - The Ultimate Gag Gadget That Continuously Beeps for Over 3 Years

> theGiftDB score:
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3206 Reviews
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4out of 5

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headshot of Franklin the RobotBEEP! BOOP!
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Manufacturer: AnnoyingPCB

Weight: 0.528 ounces

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Product Review Details

4out of 5

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Amazon's Top Reviews

October 31, 2023
5out of 5
Okay, it works as intended, BUT mine has only four sounds. There's a high-pitched whistle that you can hardly hear, a single cricket chirp, a double cricket chirp, and a loud beep. So the high-pitched whistle is basically useless, leaving you with three sounds that are loud enough to be annoying in most office situations. Also, there is no way to increase/decrease the volume so what you hear is what you get. Even with the minor faults, I love it because it fulfills its desired effect of annoying the hell out of people.
November 07, 2023
5out of 5
Have someone you want to annoy and drive crazy? Get one! Too much money for what it is, should be $5 bucks. But worth it if you drive someone nuts.
October 31, 2023
5out of 5
Don't have anything bad to say about these little things. I wish I had known that it would freak out my 100 pound American Bull Dog Whether it be the "cricket" sound....or the different "beeps" these "toys" make, he doesn't like them....So, my wife won't let me play with, if you don't have a sensitive canine, or feline residing with you, I am sure you could "bug" those that live with you. Easy to hide, easy to set, and adjust.
This is the ORIGINAL GANGSTER of mass-produced electronic harassment. Don’t buy any of the cheap garbage ones on the Orange App as you WILL be disappointed. If a little FUN and FRIENDLY harassment is your goal, then this is what you want to start with. (We can talk Escalation of Aggression another time.) This gadget is better than plug & play. The battery is already installed at the factory. You just need to read the operating instructions (duh?!), switch it ON, set your Sound, Volume, and/or Frequency, then turn it off until you’re ready to deploy your Minor Instrument of Suffering. As opposed to the cheap ones on the Orange App, THESE OG’s are LOUD enough to actually be annoying. Battery is supposed to last months. Mazel tov!
5out of 5
It does everything it says it does. I was just hoping my wife was going to be more annoyed with it, or she knew I was pranking her and purposely ignored it.
September 25, 2023
4out of 5
These things are absolutely adorable. I used them for my high school senior prank, planting them in the ceiling tiles of my least favorite teachers’ classrooms. They’re a little bit on the pricy side but if you’ve got the cash and a knack for annoying people, you’ll have a blast
October 20, 2023
5out of 5
I continue to mess with my coworker! I hide it in her office for a few days, take it out for a week, then put it back in a different spot. This is exactly what I was looking for, the answer to all of life’s riddles! Hahaha Really, a great prank!
December 17, 2022
4out of 5
I Bought this to mess with My StepFather. He Would spend Literally 90% of his waking day in the living room watching TV. Nobody else in the house would ever spend any time in the living room with him so that was the perfect place to put it. I set it on one of the modes that sounds like tinnitus and hid it in the TV Stand. I never heard him complain about it but we were never on speaking terms but every once in a while I would hear it go off when I was in the kitchen and it would make me chuckle inside. I also told some of my friends about it and we all had a good laugh about it! The thing is you don’t even have to know that it's working, just the Thought that you are causing someone an annoyance and they have no idea that you are the cause makes you feel all warm inside. If you have someone that you hate every fiber in their being then yes I would recommend getting this. Also If you just like pulling pranks then I would still recommend this.