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MusicVinylspin clean record washer complete kit
Spin-Clean Record Washer Complete Kit
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Spin-Clean Record Washer Complete Kit

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> Cherished by some, still a hidden treasure

The ultimate vinyl record cleaning solution with the Spin-Clean Record Washer Complete Kit in vibrant yellow. This comprehensive kit offers an efficient and effective way to remove dust, dirt, and static, enhancing your vinyl listening experience. Perfect for audiophiles and vinyl enthusiasts, the Spin-Clean Record Washer Kit ensures your records sound their best.

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3721 Reviews
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4out of 5

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Manufacturer: SPIN CLEAN

Variants: Beatles Red, Beatles Blue, Yellow

Dimensions: 15"L x 9"W x 6"H

Weight: 2.89 ounces


Color: Yellow

Handle Material: Plastic

Product Dimensions: 15"L x 9"W x 6"H

Material: Vinyl

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4out of 5

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So I have a little over 300 records ranging from new and/or un-valuable everyday records all the way up to sealed 1st presses and "White Label" promos and rare pressings. But the thing I had never invested in was a RCM. I had collected many records that visually looked great but upon play were full of static, pops, and crackles to the point of being un-listenable. Most recently I had found a first pressing of Pink Floyd "Animals" for super cheap that was so full of static I couldn't listen to more than 3 minutes of it. I buy records online, via garage sales, books stores, record shops, and anywhere else I can hunt down what I'm looking for for the best $$$. Many are dusty, stored in their original paper or cardboard sleeves, and just overall haven't lived a sheltered life (I prefer original/vintage records when possible which doesnt help). After becoming extremely frustrated when I got about 7 out of 10 records with an unacceptable amount of noise I decided I needed to do something about it. I had been planning to buy a new phono cartridge, but decided before I went and invested $100s in a new cartridge upgrade, maybe I needed to upgrade to something more effective at cleaning my collection than my hand washing and micro fiber towel method since I buy all these previously loved records and it wasnt measuring up!! Enter the Spin Clean. I want to buy an ultrasonic cleaner soon but figured this would at least tell me if some of these records were salvageable. So I ordered it, got it in, and immediately tackled my most severe records. Here are my finds after cleaning most of my records and now months of use: 1) Don't use the rags. They leave lint behind! Get yourself a drying rack (dish rack will do if you are careful and deliberate. 2) Throw out the Spin Clean cleaner and buy you a bottle of TERGIKLEEN!! That stuff saves this cleaner! It makes it way more effective and for $30 you can make 30 gallons! 3) Use distilled water. I tried first using highly filtered water from my water machine but it left spots if not wiped off immediately. 4) Wash about 10 records in a row and let them drip dry! After you wash 10, go back and remove droplets of water with the rags. This allows you to wash more records without soaking your rags and not having to stop as much. 5) If you have records that have not been cleaned in a long time only do 10-15 max then change water as the water gets murky and there will be dusty silk in the bottom of the bin you could stir up. 6) SUUUUUPER crackly records may require 2 sessions to get all the static out. 7) Finally spin records 2 times each way then leave sit for 3 mins. Now spin the 6 times each way and back 2 times the other. 8) Now rinse the Tergikleen off with a squirter bottle, clean the Spin Clean out, squeeze out the brushes and fill with distilled water and run each record through a rinse bath. 3 times each way. 9) Set in drying rack to drip dry then once complete re-sleeve and store. So what has the outcome been. Well I am happy to report all my records became near quiet (you will never get complete silence) and even my worst ones became close to new. After doing them there was a brown silt in the bottom and they gleamed like new. Also my stylus hasn't needed cleaned NEARLY as often. So in conclusion, it may require a bit of trial and error, along with a better cleaning solution but this system works so well I even bought a second so I can have a wash AND a rinse one. This little gadget has saved my records and breathed life into records I thought were goners. Just today I bought a 48 year old "White Label" Promo that was extra noisy. After running it through this, it is as good as new records I own (As far as noise). So while other more expensive methods might work better; this is enough for most. Buy it and clean all your records, they will sound better, last longer, and save damage to your equipment. Now I can move forward with a nicer cartridge knowing my records are all clean and sounding their best!! Worth every penny!!!
Short review: Works well for budget-conscious collectors. But there are a few issues. I don't have a large record collection but most of my albums do come from thrift stores … meaning they're used and dirty. I wanted a record cleaner that would do a good job but not break the bank given the small amount of records to be cleaned. On-line reviews let me to the Spin-Clean and overall I'm not disappointed. Yes it's a hands-on unit but it's simple to use. Once you get into the zen of spinning discs three times one way and then the reverse, it becomes almost a meditative process. Set-up is likewise straightforward, with one exception: The instructions tell you to, quote, "PRE-WASH* the drying cloths in your washing machine prior to using them. Pre-washing the cloths will make them fluffy and more absorbent for drying your vinyl records." So, okay, but this takes about an hour to an hour and a half, depending on washing and drying cycles. When I open a product I want to use it immediately; I don't want to have to wait and I especially don't want to have to go through a lengthy preparation process. Why couldn't these cloths come pre-washed? Just sayin' — I found this a bit annoying. The instructions also say "We recommend a cleaning session where you set aside a period of time and clean as many records (sic) from a single basin filling." I assume they mean "as many records as possible." The problem here is that after ten or so record cleanings, both cloths become absolutely sopping wet. You can wring them out but their absorption rate lessens as you go on. If you're cleaning 20 or more records you really need at least six of these. It's awkward to pour washer fluid from the 4 oz. bottle into its tiny cap to measure the correct amount. A bottle with measures on the side (like the Venta Airwasher fluid bottles have) would be better. Or just tell us how much to apply and I'll use a syringe. This is a minor quibble, but hey — always room for improvement. Speaking of fluid, after you wash a bunch of records you'll notice the water level has dropped by an inch or more below the fill line. This isn't surprising, given how wet each record gets when you pull it out. But should you add more water? More washer fluid? The instructions don't say. (I did anyway.) The last thing to mention is the juggling act that's required to hold a water-soaked 12" LP with one hand while you "Carefully … wipe the record with the pre-washed reusable drying towel in a CLOCKWISE CIRCULAR MOTION" with the other hand. I found I had to brace the record against my chest while doing this to avoid dropping it. Of course my shirt got wet; no big deal. (And why CLOCKWISE? What the heck difference does it make? Is the Earth's rotation involved? Seriously, guys.) I know I'm picking a lot of nits, but let's get real … for the amount of money none of these is a deal-breaker. And the results are amazing. Mold-covered vinyl — clean. 40-year-old thrift store album — like new. As others have said, the results are clearly visible in the filthy gunk left in the basin after cleaning. Eew!