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Clothing & FootwearMensnew balance mens 608 v5 casual comfort cross trainer
New Balance Men's 608 - V5 Casual Comfort Cross Trainer
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New Balance Men's 608 - V5 Casual Comfort Cross Trainer

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> Cherished by some, still a hidden treasure

Experience unparalleled comfort with the New Balance 608v5 men's trainers, meticulously designed with a high-quality PU insert for those long, active days. New Balance, a brand synonymous with aiding athletes in reaching their peak performance, has been committed to this mission for over a century. Eschewing celebrity endorsements, New Balance invests in research and development to deliver products that don't just fit an image, but truly fit the wearer. Lace up with New Balance 608v5, the ultimate shoe choice for those striving for the best in their athletic pursuits.

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72625 Reviews
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4out of 5

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Manufacturer: New Balance

Variants: 9 X-Wide White/Navy/Red, 18 X-Wide Black/Black, 13 X-Wide White/Team Royal, 13 Black/Black, 13 Wide White/Navy/Red, 12 White/Navy, 9.5 3X-Wide Black, 11 Wide White/Navy, 7 X-Wide White/Team Royal, 8 X-Wide White/Navy/Red, 9 Wide White/Black/Silver, 8 X-Wide White/Black/Silver, 16 Wide Grey Dark, 13 3X-Wide Black, 11 Wide White/Black/Silver, 8 White/Black/Silver, 8.5 XX-Wide White/Navy, 12 X-Wide White/Navy/Red, 14 Wide White/Black/Silver, 10.5 X-Wide White/Navy/Red, 11 Grey Dark, 10.5 White/Navy/Red, 9 X-Wide Black/White, 12 Wide White/Navy/Red, 13 Pigment/Gunmetal/Silver Metallic, 11 Wide White/White, 15 Grey Dark, 12 X-Wide White/Black/Silver, 11.5 X-Wide White/Team Royal, 14 Chocolate Brown/White, 8.5 X-Wide White/Navy, 10.5 X-Wide White/White, 7.5 Wide Pigment/Gunmetal/Silver Metallic, 8.5 Wide White/Navy, 16 Wide Chocolate Brown/White, 18 Team Away Grey/Castlerock, 12 X-Wide Black/Black, 13 Chocolate Brown/White, 9.5 Wide White/White, 11.5 White/Navy, 15 Wide Black/Black, 9.5 Wide Black/Black, 14 X-Wide White/Navy, 7 X-Wide Team Away Grey/Castlerock, 13 White/White, 7 Chocolate Brown/White, 8.5 White/Navy/Red, 7 Wide Chocolate Brown/White, 9 X-Wide Team Away Grey/Castlerock, 10.5 Wide Team Away Grey/Castlerock, 6.5 X-Wide Chocolate Brown/White, 7 Team Away Grey/Castlerock, 9.5 XX-Wide White/Navy, 8.5 White/Team Royal, 12 Chocolate Brown/White, 10.5 X-Wide White/Black/Silver, 8 White/Navy/Red, 15 Wide Chocolate Brown/White, 9.5 Chocolate Brown/White, 8 Team Away Grey/Castlerock, 11.5 Wide Grey Dark, 10.5 X-Wide Grey Dark, 10.5 White/White, 6.5 White/Team Royal, 8.5 Black/Black, 11 Wide Grey Dark, 13 White/Team Royal, 8.5 Wide Black/Black, 10 Wide Team Away Grey/Castlerock, 12.5 White/Team Royal, 15 Wide Grey Dark, 16 X-Wide White/White, 6.5 Wide Team Away Grey/Castlerock, 13 White/Black/Silver, 9 Wide White/White, 12 X-Wide Chocolate Brown/White, 14 Wide Team Away Grey/Castlerock, 16 Wide White/Navy, 7 Wide White/White, 8.5 Wide Team Away Grey/Castlerock, 6.5 Team Away Grey/Castlerock, 12 Team Away Grey/Castlerock, 7.5 X-Wide White/White, 15 X-Wide Team Away Grey/Castlerock, 15 Black/Black, 7.5 Chocolate Brown/White, 12 X-Wide White/Navy, 14 Wide White/Navy, 8 Grey Dark, 11.5 Wide White/White, 13 X-Wide Team Away Grey/Castlerock, 8.5 Wide White/Navy/Red, 10 X-Wide White/Navy/Red, 12 Wide White/White, 7.5 X-Wide Team Away Grey/Castlerock, 6.5 Chocolate Brown/White, 13 Wide Chocolate Brown/White, 18 X-Wide White/Team Royal, 17 Wide White/White, 11.5 Wide White/Navy, 12 Wide Team Away Grey/Castlerock, 11 Wide Team Away Grey/Castlerock, 7 X-Wide Chocolate Brown/White, 9 White/Black/Silver, 6.5 X-Wide White/White, 14 Wide Grey Dark, 10 X-Wide White/Navy, 12 Wide Chocolate Brown/White, 12.5 X-Wide Team Away Grey/Castlerock, 8 X-Wide Grey Dark, 12 X-Wide White/Team Royal, 14 X-Wide Black/Black, 18 Wide Black/Black, 7.5 X-Wide White/Team Royal, 7.5 Wide White/White, 8 Wide White/Team Royal, 9.5 X-Wide White/Navy, 8.5 White/Navy, 9.5 X-Wide Black/Black, 13 Team Away Grey/Castlerock, 8 X-Wide White/Team Royal, 15 White/Navy, 8 Wide Black/Black, 7 White/Navy, 10.5 Wide White/Navy/Red, 16 Wide Black/Black, 10 White/Navy, 12 X-Wide White/White, 17 X-Wide Team Away Grey/Castlerock, 10.5 Chocolate Brown/White, 9 Wide Team Away Grey/Castlerock, 9.5 X-Wide White/Navy/Red, 15 X-Wide Chocolate Brown/White, 9.5 Wide White/Navy/Red, 11 Black/Black, 14 White/White, 9.5 X-Wide Team Away Grey/Castlerock, 18 Wide White/Team Royal, 18 Wide Team Away Grey/Castlerock, 9.5 Wide Chocolate Brown/White, 6.5 Wide White/White, 12 White/Team Royal, 11 X-Wide White/Navy, 12 XX-Wide White/Navy, 9 Team Away Grey/Castlerock, 12.5 Chocolate Brown/White, 10.5 3X-Wide Black, 10.5 Wide Chocolate Brown/White, 11 X-Wide Team Away Grey/Castlerock, 9.5 Wide Team Away Grey/Castlerock, 9 X-Wide White/Team Royal, 8.5 X-Wide Team Away Grey/Castlerock, 7.5 X-Wide Grey Dark, 9.5 Grey Dark, 9.5 Black/Black, 9.5 Wide Grey Dark, 11.5 X-Wide White/White, 18 White/Team Royal, 16 Team Away Grey/Castlerock, 17 X-Wide Chocolate Brown/White, 8 3X-Wide Black, 10 Wide Grey Dark, 11 Chocolate Brown/White, 9 Wide Chocolate Brown/White, 12.5 Black/Black, 9.5 X-Wide White/Team Royal, 11.5 X-Wide Chocolate Brown/White, 12.5 Wide White/White, 6.5 X-Wide Team Away Grey/Castlerock, 7.5 Wide Black/Black, 17 3X-Wide Black, 11 X-Wide White/White, 13 X-Wide White/White, 8 Wide White/White, 7 X-Wide White/Navy, 10.5 X-Wide White/Navy, 8 X-Wide Team Away Grey/Castlerock, 10 X-Wide Team Away Grey/Castlerock, 14 X-Wide Team Away Grey/Castlerock, 15 Team Away Grey/Castlerock, 15 X-Wide White/Team Royal, 7 Wide White/Team Royal, 17 Wide Chocolate Brown/White, 13 Wide Black/Black, 7.5 Team Away Grey/Castlerock, 12.5 Wide Team Away Grey/Castlerock, 6.5 Wide Grey Dark, 11.5 White/Team Royal, 9.5 White/Navy, 7.5 Wide White/Navy, 9.5 Wide White/Team Royal, 13 Wide White/Black/Silver, 6.5 Pigment/Gunmetal/Silver Metallic, 11.5 Wide Black/Black, 11.5 XX-Wide White/Navy, 10.5 Wide Black/Black, 14 Wide Black/Black, 6.5 X-Wide Black/Black, 16 White/White, 15 X-Wide White/White, 12 Wide Grey Dark, 8 Wide Team Away Grey/Castlerock, 12.5 Wide Chocolate Brown/White, 9.5 X-Wide White/Black/Silver, 9 Wide White/Navy/Red, 14 Wide White/Navy/Red, 12 X-Wide Grey Dark, 9 Wide White/Navy, 17 XX-Wide White/Navy, 6.5 Wide Chocolate Brown/White, 10.5 Team Away Grey/Castlerock, 11 Wide Black/Black, 10 Chocolate Brown/White, 11.5 Wide White/Team Royal, 17 Team Away Grey/Castlerock, 16 Chocolate Brown/White, 11 Wide White/Team Royal, 12 White/White, 11.5 Black/Black, 8.5 X-Wide White/Team Royal, 9 Wide Black/Black, 9 X-Wide Black/Black, 7.5 X-Wide White/Navy, 10 Wide Black/White, 10 Wide White/White, 14 X-Wide White/Black/Silver, 13 X-Wide White/Navy, 12 White/Navy/Red, 11 White/White, 11 White/Navy, 11.5 White/White, 10.5 X-Wide Team Away Grey/Castlerock, 17 X-Wide Grey Dark, 8.5 X-Wide White/White, 17 Wide Black/Black, 8 XX-Wide White/Navy, 11.5 3X-Wide Black, 8 Wide Grey Dark, 10.5 Wide White/Team Royal, 10.5 White/Navy, 18 Wide Chocolate Brown/White, 11.5 White/Navy/Red, 10 Black/Black, 11 3X-Wide Black, 11.5 X-Wide White/Navy, 7 Black/Black, 10.5 Black/White, 11 Wide Chocolate Brown/White, 8 Chocolate Brown/White, 8 X-Wide White/White, 7.5 White/Navy, 7.5 Grey Dark, 13 White/Navy/Red, 15 Wide Team Away Grey/Castlerock, 8.5 Grey Dark, 15 XX-Wide White/Navy, 17 White/White, 16 Wide White/Team Royal, 7 White/White, 12 Black/Black, 10.5 X-Wide Chocolate Brown/White, 12.5 Team Away Grey/Castlerock, 7.5 X-Wide Chocolate Brown/White, 10 White/Navy/Red, 7.5 X-Wide White, Red, 14 X-Wide White/Team Royal, 8.5 Wide White/Black/Silver, 16 X-Wide Team Away Grey/Castlerock, 10 Team Away Grey/Castlerock, 13 XX-Wide White/Navy, 10 X-Wide Chocolate Brown/White, 10.5 Wide White/Black/Silver, 11 X-Wide White/Team Royal, 10 White/Black/Silver, 18 X-Wide Chocolate Brown/White, 9 Grey Dark, 14 White/Navy/Red, 8 Wide Chocolate Brown/White, 11.5 Team Away Grey/Castlerock, 10.5 XX-Wide White/Navy, 8.5 Team Away Grey/Castlerock, 8.5 X-Wide Chocolate Brown/White, 8.5 X-Wide Grey Dark, 12 3X-Wide Black, 12.5 Wide White/Navy, 8.5 Wide Grey Dark, 9 Black/Black, 7.5 XX-Wide White/Navy, 9 Wide Grey Dark, 7.5 Wide Grey Dark, 9 Chocolate Brown/White, 17 Wide Grey Dark, 13 X-Wide Chocolate Brown/White, 6.5 X-Wide Grey Dark, 6.5 White/White, 14 3X-Wide Black, 10 XX-Wide White/Navy, 9.5 Wide White/Black/Silver, 16 Grey Dark, 15 X-Wide Grey Dark, 6.5 Wide White/Team Royal, 11.5 X-Wide Team Away Grey/Castlerock, 13 Wide White/White, 8 White/Navy, 9 White/Team Royal, 12.5 White/Navy, 13 Grey Dark, 15 Wide White/Team Royal, 14 X-Wide White/White, 17 Wide White/Team Royal, 11 X-Wide Black/Black, 18 White/Navy, 15 Wide White/White, 17 Black/Black, 12.5 X-Wide White/Navy, 10 White/Team Royal, 14 Wide White/White, 11.5 Wide Team Away Grey/Castlerock, 17 X-Wide White/Navy, 7.5 Wide Team Away Grey/Castlerock, 9 X-Wide Grey Dark, 18 Wide White/Navy, 12 White/Black/Silver, 12 Wide Black/Black, 12 X-Wide Team Away Grey/Castlerock, 14 Wide Chocolate Brown/White, 10.5 X-Wide White/Team Royal, 9 X-Wide Chocolate Brown/White, 9.5 Wide White/Navy, 9.5 X-Wide White/White, 9.5 White/Team Royal, 13 Wide White/Navy, 11 White/Navy/Red, 17 X-Wide White/White, 18 White/White, 9 White/Navy, 7.5 X-Wide Black/Black, 10.5 White/Team Royal, 10 Wide White/Navy, 10 Wide Chocolate Brown/White, 16 Wide White/White, 7 Wide Team Away Grey/Castlerock, 6.5 Wide Black/Black, 8.5 Wide White/White, 8.5 X-Wide Black/Black, 12.5 Wide Black/Black, 10 Wide White/Navy/Red, 14 Wide White/Team Royal, 12.5 3X-Wide Black, 8 X-Wide Chocolate Brown/White, 15 3X-Wide Black, 8.5 Chocolate Brown/White, 10.5 Wide White/Navy, 7 Wide White/Navy, 14 X-Wide White/Navy/Red, 17 Wide White/Navy, 7.5 White/White, 10 Wide Black/Black, 6.5 Black/Black, 11.5 Chocolate Brown/White, 15 Wide White/Navy, 16 Wide Team Away Grey/Castlerock, 7 X-Wide Black/Black, 8 Wide White/Navy, 10 X-Wide White/Team Royal, 12.5 Grey Dark, 8.5 3X-Wide Black, 11 Team Away Grey/Castlerock, 17 Grey Dark, 8 X-Wide White/Navy, 14 XX-Wide White/Navy, 10.5 Wide Grey Dark, 11.5 X-Wide White/Navy/Red, 11.5 X-Wide White/Black/Silver, 10 Wide White/Black/Silver, 12.5 XX-Wide White/Navy, 10.5 Grey Dark, 11 X-Wide White/Navy/Red, 12.5 Wide Grey Dark, 14 White/Navy, 12.5 X-Wide Grey Dark, 12 Wide White/Black/Silver, 8 Wide White/Navy/Red, 11 XX-Wide White/Navy, 14 White/Team Royal, 15 White/White, 9 X-Wide White/White, 14 Grey Dark, 17 White/Navy, 9.5 White/Black/Silver, 13 X-Wide Black/Black, 7 X-Wide Grey Dark, 14 Black/Black, 11.5 X-Wide Black/Black, 15 X-Wide Black/Black, 6.5 Grey Dark, 14 X-Wide Grey Dark, 11.5 Wide Chocolate Brown/White, 6.5 Wide White/Navy, 6.5 X-Wide White/Navy, 6.5 White/Navy, 10.5 Black/Black, 7.5 Black/Black, 10 White/White, 12.5 Wide White/Team Royal, 15 X-Wide White/Navy, 16 Black/Black, 8 X-Wide Black/Black, 12 Wide White/Team Royal, 8.5 White/White, 10 X-Wide Black/Black, 16 X-Wide Grey Dark, 11 Wide White/Navy/Red, 13 White/Navy, 18 X-Wide Team Away Grey/Castlerock, 9 X-Wide White/Navy, 16 X-Wide White/Navy, 16 X-Wide Chocolate Brown/White, 9.5 White/Navy/Red, 18 XX-Wide White/Navy, 15 Chocolate Brown/White, 17 Wide Team Away Grey/Castlerock, 11 White/Black/Silver, 12.5 White/White, 11 X-Wide Chocolate Brown/White, 12 Wide White/Navy, 16 XX-Wide White/Navy, 13 Wide Grey Dark, 6.5 X-Wide White/Team Royal, 13 Wide Team Away Grey/Castlerock, 10 Wide White/Team Royal, 16 White/Navy, 15 White/Team Royal, 18 X-Wide White/Navy, 9.5 White/White, 18 X-Wide White/White, 18 Black/Black, 10 X-Wide White/White, 8 Black/Black, 17 X-Wide White/Team Royal, 10 3X-Wide Black, 8.5 Wide White/Team Royal, 7.5 Wide White/Team Royal, 8 Wide White/Black/Silver, 10.5 Wide White/White, 12 Grey Dark, 7 Grey Dark, 9 White/White, 12.5 X-Wide Black/Black, 16 X-Wide Black/Black, 12.5 X-Wide White/White, 8.5 White/Black/Silver, 11.5 Grey Dark, 10.5 X-Wide Black/Black, 8.5 X-Wide White/Black/Silver, 10 Grey Dark, 16 X-Wide White/Team Royal, 7 White/Team Royal, 13 Wide White/Team Royal, 12.5 X-Wide White/Team Royal, 14 Team Away Grey/Castlerock, 9 Wide White/Team Royal, 17 X-Wide Black/Black, 17 Chocolate Brown/White, 18 Wide White/White, 16 White/Team Royal, 13 X-Wide Grey Dark, 7 Wide Black/Black, 13 X-Wide White/Navy/Red, 18 Chocolate Brown/White, 11.5 Wide White/Black/Silver, 9.5 X-Wide Grey Dark, 9 X-Wide White/Black/Silver, 9.5 Team Away Grey/Castlerock, 9 XX-Wide White/Navy, 11.5 X-Wide Grey Dark, 9 White/Navy/Red, 6.5 Black/White, 11.5 White/Black/Silver, 14 X-Wide Chocolate Brown/White, 7 X-Wide White/White, 8.5 Wide Chocolate Brown/White, 11 White/Team Royal, 8 White/White, 9 3X-Wide Black, 10 X-Wide Grey Dark, 8 White/Team Royal, 7.5 3X-Wide Black, 10.5 White/Black/Silver, 11 X-Wide White/Black/Silver, 7.5 Wide Chocolate Brown/White, 9.5 X-Wide Chocolate Brown/White, 11 X-Wide Grey Dark, 7.5 White/Team Royal, 17 White/Team Royal, 12.5 X-Wide Chocolate Brown/White, 13 X-Wide White/Black/Silver

Dimensions: 12.3 x 5 x 9.5 inches; 1.6 Pounds

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Product Review Details

4out of 5

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Amazon's Top Reviews

5out of 5
My husband is a walker and he has very specific request on shoes. I was skeptical of these New Balance shoes however, when they came, they were perfect. They are true to size and will hold up nicely with 6,000 to 12,000 steps a day. I would preferred the gray, however, the Brown turned out better than expected.
December 10, 2023
5out of 5
I have to admit, switching to these dad shoes was worth it. Fit good ,love the x wide size. No more sore feet. Reviews are spot on. Shoelaces are super long though.
I've been wearing this shoe for about 6 months and just ordered a second pair. They look great, fit great, are supportive and are built well. Have already recommended this shoe to others.
December 08, 2023
5out of 5
Love new balance shoes. Great support and on sale great price. 3rd time purching this shoe in many years. My husband will wear new shoe for over 1 or 2 years, then make it his work shoe after i get him a new pair. They hold up great. I also wear new balance. Highly recommend
I purchased ASICS Men's Gel-Venture 8 Running Shoes about 6 months ago but my Podiatrist told me to get rid of them and get a sneaker with more support (I had an injury a few years ago jumping off a 20 foot cliff into water where I hit a bolder after being assured the landing was deep with no obstructions). I researched and ended up buying these New Balance Men's 608 V5 Cross Trainers (the pic is right after walking dogs 2 miles in partial rain so a bit discolored where wet). These sneakers fit perfectly, are comfortable, and provide plenty of support - my walks are so much more enjoyable. I have 2 large dogs that tend to pull often during the 2 mile morning walks so fit and function is critical. Walking the dogs this morning after it rained with sprinkles still coming down proved their ability to grip. I am so happy with my purchase and only wish I had done so earlier. I will definitely buy a 2nd pair in the near future given how happy I am with them!
December 05, 2023
5out of 5
This is the second pair of these sneakers that I have bought and they last about a year minimum and are very comfortable to wear, they fit fairly well although I wish the bridge could have a little more expansion for when my feet swell. but all and all a Great pair of Sneakers!
5out of 5
I've used New Balance 608 shoes for many years now, and I'm still just as pleased as ever. Right out of the box, they give hardly any of the burning foot feeling often associated with new shoes (in other words, they feel already broken in even when brand new). I use them for work (I work in a wood shop where I'm on my feet on a concrete floor most of the day), and they provide great support and comfort. They're also comfortable enough to wear around the house, and yet they're classy enough (I get the brown suede) that I even wear them to church (way more comfortable than standard dress shoes!) I particularly like the fact that the comfort insole is firm enough to provide real support, yet has enough give that it molds to my foot over time (the arch support is not perfect right out of the box, but it quickly conforms to the shape of my foot). Overall, I'm very happy with these shoes, and I hope New Balance continues to offer them without any major changes.
November 20, 2023
4out of 5
Price, comfort and durability. They don’t break your budget. They are comfortable for everyday use. They stitched stay strong, padding doesn’t give way.