Discover the hilarious adventures of Davy Spencer, the new kid turned popular YouTuber, in 'Kid YouTuber' by Marcus Emerson, acclaimed author of 'Diary of a 6th Grade Ninja', 'The Super Life of Ben Braver', and 'Recess Warriors'. Join Davy and his best friends, Chuck and Annie, as they navigate school life and YouTube stardom, featuring epic pranks, school lunch reviews, and undercover detention missions. Perfect for children aged 9-12 and middle school students, this book is also a hit with adults who enjoy a good laugh. Experience the ups and downs of becoming a YouTube sensation, from viral video successes to unexpected duct tape incidents. 'Kid YouTuber' is a must-read for those who love humor and adventure.
Variants: Kindle, Hardcover, Paperback
Weight: 9.3 ounces
variant: Paperback
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